Today in the orchard
Today I began to tackle pruning our Northern Spy tree. What a beast! I grafted it nearly forty years ago not knowing what it was. I knew it was a great apple, and I’d heard of Northern Spy, but I had not yet put two and two together. I was still learning the basics. I called it Dimmock’s Red - a poor choice since there is a Dymock Red in the UK. I eventually figured out that what I had grafted from behind the Dimmocks’ farm up the road was Northern Spy. And so… I waited. Northern Spy has the reputation of taking forever to bear. We definitely had the real thing.
Fast forward. We’ve been getting ‘Spys’ for many years now, and they live up their reputation. It’s a great apple. Our tree is incredibly vigorous. Across the top it pushes out about 500 water sprouts annually that we dutifully cut off, one by one. Last year I began a new strategy: I tied a few of the watersprouts into pretzels and loops per the inspiration of Matt Kaminsky and Laura Sieger. Those loops have fruit buds this year. So today I tied about 70 more loops. Maybe we’ll “tame” our Northern Spy and turn her into a fruiting pretzel!