May 17, 2024


Today Laura and Bunk sprayed half the orchard with Neem, Fish, Kelp, EM1, Karanja and Dipel. We started at 5 AM and were done at about 7:00. We saw two bluebirds at Finley.  They appear to have moved in. Hooray! Laura went off to Seth’s to plant 4,000 more young grafted trees. I mulched young apples and pears with chips created by yesterday’s chipping. Later I did another leaf/bloom inventory update at the Finley Lane orchard.  There are quite a few trees still dormant or only at green tip.  Others are at king bloom.

 In the late afternoon I gave a small grafting class (four of us) at the next-door-neighbors.  We topworked an old tree with many small new stems that are the perfect size for topworking.  Also noteworthy is the Conjuro Asian pear: it is in full bloom.  We are eating rhubarb and asparagus now. 

Trailman in bloom with a branch of Redfield. Redbud off to the left and red oak towering behind.