March 22, 2025

Apples in Japan, March 2025

Today in the orchard

Cammy and I spent the day pruning in the orchards. It was below freezing early but warmed up to nearly 50F - ‘shirt sleeve’ weather. We assess each tree as we go along. Every tree gets a grade for how it looks. Last year’s growth was really impressive. Most of the trees look great, including a number that had languished for years and then, all of sudden, took off in 2024. The weather, the stars or the Apple Godesses were good to the orchard. Or as Hafiz put it about 800 years ago, “…when the clouds were generous with what fell from them and the sun rationed itself with precision…” 

Meanwhile, halfway around the world, our son-in-law, Gregory, was on a ski trip to Japan. He generously photoed all the apples he could find and forwarded the images back to us. One of them is of a poster of Japanese cultivars. I can’t wait to find someone who can translate Japanese apple names! Feel free to be in touch if you’re willing to give it a shot.