July 12, 2024


Culvers Root (Veronicastrum virginicum)

Laura and I sprayed all the fruiting apples and plums throughout the farm this morning. One tank (100 gallons) was enough. The recipe is below.  “Culver’s Root” flowers are now opening. What a spectacular plant! We planted it several years ago at Finley, and it is establishing itself, albeit slowly. The Queen Ann’s Lace (Daucus carota) is now in full bloom, and there are thousands of plants up at Finley Lane (and all over central Maine). Queen Ann’s Lace which is botanically identical to our orange garden carrot derives from selections made over the past few hundred years. Laura weeded and neemed our neighbor, Stevie Haskell’s orchard this afternoon. His orchard contains a number of valuable apple cultivars. Bunk continues to weed and neem in the BRC and around the farm. 

Todays spray: MilStop (for sooty blotch and fly speck) -2.5lb, Regalia -1 quart, EcoSwing -1 pint, CYD-X -1.5oz, Surround -25lb, Cal Plus (calcium) -1 quart, Manganese 1- pint, Dipel -1 lb (Many webs appearing this week)