May 14, 2024


Today it rained early, and rained again after dark.  In between it was a beautiful day to be outdoors. Bunk cut firewood along the driveway and piled the brush to be chipped later this week. Later he mowed the nursery and topworked 3 pears with scionwood from Lauren Cornier. (Wasn’t I supposed to be done with grafting?) Then he inventoried about 100 trees for leaf and flower stages. He hopes to complete that job tomorrow. Some trees are still dormant, many are at green tip, 1/2” green or somewhere between the two. Some are at pink which is exciting. Looks like it could be a good crop.  The peaches are at about 1/2 full bloom as are the plums.  The Amelanchier is in full bloom.  Our one mature Asian Pear is ready to bloom, but the nearby Bartlett Pear that we hope will pollinate it is not ready. The large oak behind the barn was host to a beautiful Rose-breasted Grosbeak as well as a Goshawk today.