Bahner gold

This small, clear-yellow, long-stemmed crabapple is probably an unidentified ornamental cultivar planted in about 1970. For now we call it Bahner Gold after Bahner Farm on Rte 3 in Belmont, ME where the large tree graces the front yard.

The fruit is nearly regular, although slightly ribbed. Sometimes it shows a faint pink or orange blush but sometimes no blush at all. Occasionally the stem area is slightly russeted. The cavity is obtuse but approaching acute. The basin is also obtuse, slightly wavy and moderately wrinkled.

The apples which are juicy, mild, flavorful and astringent, have a cider-type flavor though it may be too sharp and too early to be of much value. The tree is a vigorous grower with a somewhat weeping form and is a tremendous bearer. I only collected 3 bushels when I stopped by in 2019, but I could have gotten 12-15 bushels, enough to do at least half a barrel. It ripens before October 1 in central Maine. Our scionwood comes from the Bahner Farm tree. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.