fuero rous
Fuero Rous is a bitter, astringent, French cider apple, presumably from Brittany (Bretagne). The word “Fuero” is probably an anglicized version of C’hwerv or C’Huero.
The small-medium (5.5 - 6 cm/2 1/2”) oblate fruit has a light yellow-green ground color that is mostly striped and washed with rusty red and orange. There is a medium-sized russet splash in the cavity that resembles a small Wolf River or Red Astrachan. The stem is very short and set in a medium-deep, acute to acuminate, narrow cavity. The basin is medium-deep, round and regular with a large, open calyx. The flesh has a nice bitterness and astringency—not powerful but very good. We pick and press in October. We obtained our scionwood from the USDA collection (PI 187352 ) and planted a tree in the 2015. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.