Jughead is a bittersweet seedling, discovered along our Finley Lane orchard fence. The tree had been there for sometime, and I had topworked it with another apple but had left one branch of the seedling to see what it would do on its own. In 2022 the seedling branch fruited, and I was delightfully surprised. It was really good: sweet, juicy and with a mild bitterness. I liked it so much that I topworked it the next spring onto a Bud9 rootstock. Amazingly we got fruit the following year. Wow. This could be the perfect cider apple!
The fruit is small-medium sized, round, and yellow-colored. The cavity is acute to nearly obtuse and russet colored. It is ready to pick on about October 15. It is susceptible to scab. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.