
Damelot is a well-known, French, bittersweet cider apple (1080 SG/19 Brix) that may have originated near Vitre, France. The small to medium (5.5 cm- 2 1/4”), roundish-oblate fruit is slightly irregular, and a cheerful yellow with a slight pinkish-orange blush, small, russet cavity patch, many prominent, russet dots and not much of a stem or a cavity. It has an axile core with large open cells and a short conic or urn-shaped calyx tube.

The flesh is moderately juicy and not very bitter or astringent; it’s mostly mildly sweet or as the French say "douce legerement-amere" (slightly bitter). We recommend Damelot for those looking for a late ripening bittersweet. Our fruit is still hard in mid-November. It is probably hardy to zone five or even four. We obtained scionwood from the USDA (PI 162722) in 2015. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.