denniston red

Denniston Red is a wild seedling discovered in an old abandoned orchard in Denniston Ford, Sullivan County NY by Andy Brennan of Aaron Burr cider. The apple is a bittersharp fruit that Andy highly recommends for cider. In his book, Uncultivated, Andy Brennan devotes much of an entire chapter to this apple. He calls it, “the tree of my dreams… as a cider maker it was hard not to get attached to Red. I know that no one variety represents the best characteristics of a cider apple, but if I were to pick one that best sums up my type of cider, I would pick this one: Denniston Red. … The apple is medium-sized, squat, oblong or round; it’s blood red and doesn’t ripen until October, remaining green and unsuggestive until the fall equinox. … When it dents like Styrofoam, you know the apple is ready to pick.” Our scionwood comes from Andy Brennan. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.