hua hung
Hua Hung is apparently a selection of the hybrid species Malus x asiatica Nakai, itself thought to a selection of—or synonymous with—M. prunifolia. This makes Hua Hung quite unlike the typical modern and historic M. domestica selections.
The fruit is roundish-conic, small (between 2” and 2 1/2”), green skinned, medium to long stemmed, with a shallow and medium-wide basin, furrowed but not deeply. The white flesh is slightly sub-acid and quite sweet. It’s a very decent fresh eating (dessert) cultivar. We were surprised by the quality. It might be good in early season cider. In central Maine we recommend picking and using before October 1. The tree is very resistant to fireblight.
We obtained our scionwood from the USDA Geneva collection (PI_594107). The accession was donated to the USDA collection in October 1989 by Yan, Zhen Long of the Beijing Botanical Garden. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.