Whitefield Russet - GR 4 (AMHO 362)
Two trees of Whitefield Russet (provisional name) are growing in the orchard planted in the early 1990’s in Whitefield, Maine by Austin Moore. The two trees were purchased from St Lawrence Nursery in Potsdam, NY as “Bullock (American Golden Russet.)” DNA profiling indicates that this may be incorrect. Although AMHO 362 is definitely a “Golden Russet” type, we don’t yet know which one it is. It is not GR1: Golden Russet of Western NY. With more research it may turn out to be the true Bullock.
The large, roundish/oblate fruit is entirely russeted with no blush and ripens in mid-fall. It is recommended for fresh eating. It will not store nearly as well as the other Golden Russets, including Golden Russet of Western NY and Poughkeepsie Russet (aka English Russet.)