
The cultivar that we refer to as Cray is from an ancient tree that I discovered at the Cray farm on the Nutting Road in Perham, ME in 1998. The tree was exceedingly old at that time and almost certainly grafted. It may be a local named apple although we have made no positive identification at this point. We hope it will be DNA tested before too long. There is a possibility that it is the true Nutting Bumpus apple as the Cray farm is less than a half mile from the Nutting farm where the Nutting Bumpus originated. The apple once thought to be Nutting Bumpus has been proven to be Duchess by DNA testing. The Cray apple does not resemble Duchess.

The Cray fruit is roundish-oblate, almost entirely covered with dark red blush and stripes and has a distinct russet patch around the stem. With some specimens the russet extends out to almost cover the entire base. Our scionwood comes from the old tree on the Nutting Road in Perham. Currently growing at Super Chilly Farm.