Foxwhelp (or Fauxwhelp)
During the twentieth century, many English cider apples were introduced into the US. One was presumed to be Foxwhelp. The Foxwhelp that was propagated in the US, however, did not fit the profile of the typical cider apple. It was big, juicy, tart, decent fresh-eating and made a good pie. Ever since we tasted the fruit from our tree, we wondered why anyone would call it a cider apple. Other American cider makers were also suspicious about Foxwhelp. Apple growers in the UK confirmed that the US apple (pictured to the right) is not Foxwhelp. As a result, US cider makers began to call it Fauxwhelp.
So what is it? It may have been that the original grafting scionwood that came into the US was incorrect. Or it may be that the first grafts were mislabeled. It could also be that the US Fauxwhelp is actually a rootstock from a botched graft. In any event, it now seems that the mistake is widespread and that no one—or practically no one—in the US has the real Foxwhelp. This mystery is compounded by the fact that there are multiple Foxwhelps in the UK. Still the US version isn't a match to any of them.
In the winter of 2012, John Teiser, English cider apple historian, sent us scionwood from four of the UK Foxwhelps: Old Foxwhelp, Red Foxwhelp, Broxwood Foxwhelp, and Rejuvenated Foxwhelp. These four have all gone through the USDA APHIS program to clean them up. They have also been DNA profiled. We know now that we have the true “Old Foxwhelp” aka “Foxwhelp.” We also have a Red Foxwhelp which is probably not the true historic Red Foxwhelp but rather a red sport of Foxwhelp. (The true Red Foxwhelp appears to be a separate cultivar. We’re working to locate that apple.) And we have the true Broxwood Foxwhelp. We do not yet have the true Rejuvenated Foxwhelp. For more information about the various Foxwhelps, see the separate listings on our website.
In the meantime, you can enjoy "Fauxwhelp" as a dessert apple or a cooking apple. John once baked a single variety Foxwhelp pie. We were all pleasantly surprised: the flavor was quite tasty, but it did sink more that we would have liked. For that reason we recommend that you mix it with other varieties. Or try it as sauce. Keeps until December.